
As a designer I strive to working with materials, production and design in a sustainable way. I think of being a designer as a responsibility of being aware of what impact your design can have, and always work to make designs that has a positiv impact on the future.

Born and raised on the Swedish west coast in a small town: Strömstad Sweden, I’v always been close to nature and inspired by it, but also always had a big interest in fashion, which made me to be bold in my design esthetic since it wasn't available to me growing up, and that have played a big part in learning how to be creative and create what I want and was missing.

Today my designs often are often driven by the need to be functional, practical and different, and stands out in the playful way i combine colors, materials or shapes.


IT-högskolan Göteborg, (current): UX-Design

Designskolen Kolding (2020-2023): Bachelor degree in accessory design.

Steneby art and culture school (2018-2020): Clothing and accessories design/ textile and leather.

Grebbestads folkhögskola (2017-2018): Weaving, construction and sewing.


Ecco design studio (2022): internship kids shoes design

Indiska (2014-2020): decorator women’s department/ accessoaries department.


